Saturday July 27, 2024

Podcast - Peter Dunn (Cullen International) on EU postal legislation, the USO and how European postal operators are adapting services

Peter Dunn
Peter Dunn

Peter Dunn, Director of European Relations, Cullen International, discusses the USO, how European postal operators are reacting to falling letter volumes, and more.

  • The purpose of the Postal Services Directive, including letters USO and quality of service

  • How local universal service obligations can be changed

  • Flexibility provisions in Postal Services Directive

  • Changes to letter delivery frequency in Italy (Poste Italiane)

  • Letter volume declines in Nordic countries

  • Introducing alternate-day letter delivery

  • Lack of standardised EU approach to USO scope definition

  • Parcels in the USO

  • Local variations in letter volume declines

  • Review of the Postal Services Directive

  • State aid and government support for postal operators

  • Letter trends and USO review worldwide

  • Varying national responses to falling letter volumes

  • Cultural and operational differences between postal operators and markets

SourceThe Postal Hub Podcast