Saturday July 27, 2024

An Post wins IPC operational excellence award

An Post parcel delivery
An Post parcel delivery

An Post has maintained its position among an elite group of mail carriers by being recognised for its management and processing of International mail by its peers in the global postal industry. 

At a ceremony in An Post’s Dublin Parcel Hub (DPH), An Post Chief Executive David McRedmond was presented with the prestigious award by Holger Winklbauer, CEO of the International Postal Corporation (IPC).

The International Post Corporation (IPC), which represents posts worldwide, sets challenging quality targets for all international mail carriers. An Post has met these standards and retained its accreditation since 2009.   

The An Post processing operation, involves teams working at the Dublin Mails Centre (DMC), Dublin Parcel Hub (DPH) and the Airmail Transit Unit at Dublin Airport. An Post is one of only two posts to hold the Excellence award, the other being Swiss Post for its Zurich based international mail operations.  

An Post CEO David McRedmond said the fully independent award provides both our domestic and International customers with the highest degree of confidence when choosing An Post as their provider of choice.  He paid tribute to An Post’s staff across the three centres handling international mail for their commitment to achieving the rigorous quality standard. 

Mr. McRedmond pointed out that An Post’s automated parcel hub (DPH) had been included in the assessment process for the first time. The only other country to have their stand-alone Parcel Operation certified is Switzerland for its Zurich site.  

Mr. Winklbauer paid tribute to An Post, and its staff across the three locations involved. He said the achievement of the Certificate of Excellence award showed An Post living up to the values and standards of the global postal network.

The independent process combines a remote pre-audit 6 months in advance of the detailed three-day on-site audit which took place in early June this year and covers over 200 measures from signage to cleanliness and from staff knowledge of all processes to the efficiency of the despatching processes. 

A Certificate awarded by IPC is a recognition of excellence in the management and processing of International priority products i.e., mail – Letters, Flats (Large Letters), Packets and for the first time Parcels. 

This award recognises the hard work dedication of staff involved in the processing of international mail in the Dublin Mails Centre (DMC), Dublin Parcel Hub (DPH) and the Airmail Transit Unit at Dublin Airport. An Post has retained the Certificate for Excellence in the Management and Processing of International Priority Products continuously since 2009. Included in the assessment process for the first time this year is the handling of International Parcels at An Post’s automated parcel hub (DPH). The only other Country to have their stand-alone Parcel Operation certified is Switzerland for their Zurich site.

SourceAn Post

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